
Baptism is the sacrament that frees us from original sin, and makes us a member of Christ and His Church. It is thus the gateway to a new and supernatural life.
Baptism Guidelines (Read this First) (rev. Jan. 2025)
Baptism Request and Registration Form (rev. Jan. 2025)
Godparent Form (rev. Aug. 2024)
Form for Christian Witness
Baptism Guidelines (Read this First) (rev. Jan. 2025)
Baptism Request and Registration Form (rev. Jan. 2025)
Godparent Form (rev. Aug. 2024)
Form for Christian Witness

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world” (John 6:51).
Our First Reconciliation and First Communion program utilizes Blessed by Dynamic Catholic for sacramental preparation. There’s never been anything like BLESSED in the Catholic world for children. With world-class animation, workbooks that are works of art, and catechist-friendly leader guides, First Communion and First Reconciliation prep finally meets children where they are and leads them, step-by-step, to where God is calling them to be. We hope you and your child enjoy!
Our First Reconciliation and First Communion program utilizes Blessed by Dynamic Catholic for sacramental preparation. There’s never been anything like BLESSED in the Catholic world for children. With world-class animation, workbooks that are works of art, and catechist-friendly leader guides, First Communion and First Reconciliation prep finally meets children where they are and leads them, step-by-step, to where God is calling them to be. We hope you and your child enjoy!

“The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new and supernatural life, confirmation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age.” (Catholic Online)
All Saints Confirmation prep is offered every other year for 9th-10th graders. We meet on Wednesday nights at the St. Joseph Parish Life center from 6:30-8:00pm during the academic year. We use the program Decision Point by Dynamic Catholic.
All Saints Confirmation prep is offered every other year for 9th-10th graders. We meet on Wednesday nights at the St. Joseph Parish Life center from 6:30-8:00pm during the academic year. We use the program Decision Point by Dynamic Catholic.

We experience God’s mercy and forgiveness through the sacrament of Confession, also known as Penance or Reconciliation.
First Friday: 12 Hours of Confession – 9:00am to 9:00pm – St. Martin.
Weekly Schedule – 30 minutes prior to Mass as follows:
Sunday 7:00am ~ St. Paul
Monday 5:15pm ~ St. John
Tuesday 7:00am ~ St. John
Wednesday 5:15pm ~ St. Joseph
Thursday 7:00am ~ St. Paul
Friday 7:00am ~ St. Martin
The Priest will be available for at least 15 minutes or until start of Mass as needed. Please arrive at the start time of the session. Whenever a weekday Mass is canceled, Confessions are canceled as well.
Examination of Conscience
First Friday: 12 Hours of Confession – 9:00am to 9:00pm – St. Martin.
Weekly Schedule – 30 minutes prior to Mass as follows:
Sunday 7:00am ~ St. Paul
Monday 5:15pm ~ St. John
Tuesday 7:00am ~ St. John
Wednesday 5:15pm ~ St. Joseph
Thursday 7:00am ~ St. Paul
Friday 7:00am ~ St. Martin
The Priest will be available for at least 15 minutes or until start of Mass as needed. Please arrive at the start time of the session. Whenever a weekday Mass is canceled, Confessions are canceled as well.
Examination of Conscience

“According to the teaching of great theologians, the holy anointing makes those who stand at the threshold of eternity, and loyally cooperate with the grace of the sacrament, ready to enter directly upon the Beatific Vision.” (Catholic Online)
The Anointing of the Sick is offered the first week of each month after the following Masses: Mon 5:45pm ~ St. John’s | Wed 5:45pm ~ St. Joseph’s | Thu 7:30am ~ St. Paul’s | Fri 7:30am ~ St. Martin’s.
In case of an emergency please contact Fr. Meyer at 513-255-4575 or Fr. Hollowell at 317-294-8761.
The Anointing of the Sick is offered the first week of each month after the following Masses: Mon 5:45pm ~ St. John’s | Wed 5:45pm ~ St. Joseph’s | Thu 7:30am ~ St. Paul’s | Fri 7:30am ~ St. Martin’s.
In case of an emergency please contact Fr. Meyer at 513-255-4575 or Fr. Hollowell at 317-294-8761.

Because Christ wished to renew the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages and all over the world as the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, he had to allow other men to share in his priesthood.
If you or anyone you know is interested in a vocation to the priesthood please contact Fr. Meyer, our pastor, or visit one of these vocation websites:
Archdiocese of Indianapolis Vocations
Diocesan Priest
If you or anyone you know is interested in a vocation to the priesthood please contact Fr. Meyer, our pastor, or visit one of these vocation websites:
Archdiocese of Indianapolis Vocations
Diocesan Priest

Matrimony is the marriage contract between Christians raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament.
Wedding Request Form (online)
Wedding Guidelines Rev. July 5, 2024
Marriage Preparation Checklist
Wedding Request Form (online)
Wedding Guidelines Rev. July 5, 2024
Marriage Preparation Checklist
Rev. Jonathan Meyer – – 513.255.4575
Rev. John Hollowell – – 317.294.8761
Bob Decker – 812.212.3971
Mark Schmidl – 513.460.6748
Marilyn White –
Office: 25743 State Route 1, Guilford, IN 47002
812.576.4302 (cell ~ 812.212.2371)
Music Director
Cyndi Voegele – – 513.479.1305
Wedding Coordinator
All Campuses – Mary Jimenez 513.560.6026
Marriages in Trouble – Please visit our Marriage Enrichment Resources
Rev. Jonathan Meyer – – 513.255.4575
Rev. John Hollowell – – 317.294.8761
Bob Decker – 812.212.3971
Mark Schmidl – 513.460.6748
Marilyn White –
Office: 25743 State Route 1, Guilford, IN 47002
812.576.4302 (cell ~ 812.212.2371)
Music Director
Cyndi Voegele – – 513.479.1305
Wedding Coordinator
All Campuses – Mary Jimenez 513.560.6026
Marriages in Trouble – Please visit our Marriage Enrichment Resources