• Palms to Ashes ~ Prior to March 2nd- Please place blessed palm branches in baskets in back of church. They will be turned into ashes for Ash Wednesday.
• 200 Year Anniversary Ornament ~ For those of you who have not picked up your ornament celebrating the 200th Year of Catholicism in Dearborn County, please stop in at the Parish Office by Friday, February 21.
• Ushers Needed ~ We are in need of ushers for our masses, especially at our 9:15 am mass at the St. John the Baptist Campus. It is only a once a month commitment and we work with your schedule. Please reach out to Maureen Stenger if you can help,
• Lent Begins March 5th ~ View the Ash Wednesday Schedule and here is a refresher on Lent Fasting Rules.
• Give Up Envelopes for Lent ~ Consider using the many options to donate to the parish such as Electronic Funds Transfer, Credit Card or Venmo. Visit our DONATE page to learn more.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the St. Paul Campus
We have pickleball three times per week: Monday and Wednesday at 5:30pm and Friday at 10:00am.
All are welcome and you do not need to RSVP. A suggested donation of $2/day is appreciated.
Please contact Dave Kuhn with questions at (513) 673-4298.


Biweekly Classes at Good Shepherd Ctr (St. Joe’s)
Did you know managing your money well can help give you the tools to be a better follower of Christ?
Some topics to be covered: Creating a budget; Building an emergency fund; Reducing or eliminating debt; Saving and investing; Planning for long term goals; Protecting your assets.
Remaining Schedule: Mar 5 & 19, Apr 2, 16 & 30, May 14 – It is not too late to join!
Sign Up/Questions: Email
More Details: HERE


Saturday, February 22, 2025, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at East Central High School
Men! Rediscover Your Vocation ~ Put on the Armor of God
This Year’s Speakers:
• Chris Stefanick – Keynote Speaker
• Bobby Angel
• Craig Pohl
• Jake Khym
• Fr. Jonathan Meyer
Includes: Mass | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | Confession
Lunch, Coffee & Refreshments
Free Parking and Comfortable Seating
More Info and Registration at the OFFICIAL SITE
Volunteers: SIGN UP HERE


Monday, February 24th, 7pm at St. Joe’s Good Shepherd Center
Vacation Bible School will take place June 23-27th- Our theme this year is “It’s A Miracle!”.
Come join us for planning this fun event for our children!
Questions/More Information- email us at


Every Friday From March 7th to April 11th
Join us from 4:30 to 7:00pm each Friday during Lent at the St. Martin Campus Hall for a delicious Fish Fry Dinner.
Cost: $14 Adults / $7 Children  DETAILS
Volunteers Needed: Sign Up HERE
Donations Appreciated: cakes, pies, bottled water, and canned pop are requested. Desserts can be dropped off on Fridays and drink donations can be dropped off anytime at the hall.


Sat-Sun-Mon, March 8-10 at Planned Parenthood, Cincinnati
All Saints Parish along with St. Lawrence, St. Teresa’s and St. Mary’s have adopted three days during the 40-day campaign for a prayerful vigil at Planned Parenthood.
Choose to witness for one hour between 7am to 7pm on any of these three days.
Sign up HERE.
Questions? Call/text John at 513-300-5246


March 8th and 9th at all Weekend Masses
Safe Haven Sunday takes place during Mass, and directly addresses the harms of pornography and provides resources to support and protect individuals, marriages and families in overcoming pornography, and making a Safe Haven for all.
The book Equipped is an excellent resource and is available for free in hardcopy or as an e-book.
Parents can also text the word SECURE to 66866 and they will receive a free 7-day video series called the “Safe Digital Family Challenge” with tips for having key conversations with children and monitoring their online safety.


Informational Meeting: March 15, 9 a.m., St. John Campus Hall.
Married couples desiring to impact the future of families are invited to join us to discuss the Marriage Formation Ministry with Deacon Mark Schmidl.
Fulfilling our parish mission by providing Faithful Teaching and Compassionate Service, the Marriage Formation Ministry will help build a solid foundation for engaged couples as they prepare for the sacrament.
Refreshments complimentary of ARS Café and Meeting House. Please RSVP by March 8th HERE


Saturday, Apr. 5, 6:00pm at St. John Campus Hall
Women: What’s holding you back from becoming the woman God created you to be? Allow God to uproot the doubts and fears holding you back, transplant you into His grace, and nurture you in His love – so your faith, purpose and joy can fully bloom!
Cost: $30 – Includes meal and succulent garden
RSVP by March 22: HERE


2025 is the Jubilee Holy Year, the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord, an “event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the Church.” The concept of “Jubilee” has its origins in the Book of Leviticus (chapter 25) as a special year of reconciliation, pilgrimage, and coming home. Pope Francis has designated the 2025 Holy Year as a time to renew ourselves as “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Learn how the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is celebrating this Jubilee Year by clicking HERE.