• Yard Sale ~ We need plastic grocery bags, clothing racks, bubble wrap, hangers and children’s hangers for the upcoming yard sale. Please drop off items at the office before September 10th. Thank you!
• Now Hiring Janitor ~ Our janitor for the St Joseph PLC and School building is moving on and we need a replacement. The position is around 6 hours a week and does not include the church. If interested, please reach out to the office or aspparishoffice@gmail.com.
• Adoration Chapel Decorating ~ If you love decorating and you love Jesus, we have the perfect opportunity for you. We need a couple people to decorate the adoration chapel for liturgical seasons, with Christmas and Easter requiring more attention than the rest of the year. Shadowing this year is also an option. Supplies and budget are provided.
• 250 Club Coordinator ~ This is a mostly late spring / early summer task that involves renewing annual memberships to the club, advertising the scholarship application that is funded by the 250 Club, reviewing applications with the committee, preparing and sending award letters. A monthly drawing takes place for the 250 Club to award prize money to members. Training and support is provided.
• Camera Coordinators Needed ~ This ministry was created during the pandemic to stream Mass into homes of our parishioners and families all over the world. Ministers can sign up for Mass, weddings, funerals, talks, and other events. Technical experience is not required – anyone can do it. Feel free to contact the parish office if interested!