• Yard Sale ~ We need plastic grocery bags, clothing racks, bubble wrap, hangers and children’s hangers for the upcoming yard sale. Please drop off items at the office before September 10th. Thank you!
• Now Hiring Janitor ~ Our janitor for the St Joseph PLC and School building is moving on and we need a replacement. The position is around 6 hours a week and does not include the church. If interested, please reach out to the office or
• Adoration Chapel Decorating ~ If you love decorating and you love Jesus, we have the perfect opportunity for you. We need a couple people to decorate the adoration chapel for liturgical seasons, with Christmas and Easter requiring more attention than the rest of the year. Shadowing this year is also an option. Supplies and budget are provided.
• 250 Club Coordinator ~ This is a mostly late spring / early summer task that involves renewing annual memberships to the club, advertising the scholarship application that is funded by the 250 Club, reviewing applications with the committee, preparing and sending award letters. A monthly drawing takes place for the 250 Club to award prize money to members. Training and support is provided.
• Camera Coordinators Needed ~ This ministry was created during the pandemic to stream Mass into homes of our parishioners and families all over the world. Ministers can sign up for Mass, weddings, funerals, talks, and other events. Technical experience is not required – anyone can do it. Feel free to contact the parish office if interested!


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the St. Paul Campus
We have pickleball three times per week: Monday and Wednesday at 5:30pm and Friday at 10:00am.
All are welcome and you do not need to RSVP. A suggested donation of $2/day is appreciated.
Please contact Dave Kuhn with questions at (513) 673-4298.



Next Meeting: TBA
This group is open to all men of the four parishes in Dearborn County desiring to mentor young men, teaching them the virtues rooted in Christ as the path to authentic manliness.
At this time, we are looking for 12 men who are able to commit two hours each week during the school year, with the exception of Fall, Spring, Christmas and Holy Week breaks. Please contact Father Hollowell or David Oelker if interested in volunteering.



Parents of College-Age Youth:
Once again, we will offer the LOCK program to support and encourage the faith of our COLLEGE-AGED young adults. Each month, care packages will be sent to all of our young adults in college. Please send us the address of the student. We also need parents to coordinate the mailings from October to April, which can consist of anything desired – bookmark, prayer card, magnet, etc. To volunteer, contact
To submit the contact information for your college student, click HERE



A Journey Through the Catechism by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan
Available for Purchase ~ Contact the Parish Office

A Journey through the Catechism: Unveiling the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Catholic Faith is the comprehensive resource for Catholics who want to be better informed about their faith.
The book is set to be released on Amazon on August 30 for $25. If you purchase it through the parish for $25, Fr Mahan will donate $3 from every sale back to our parishes! Fr Mahan will be at our Masses October 19 & 20, and will autograph copies if you wish. This is a beautifully illustrated full color edition.



Three Sessions Beginning September 8th at St. Joe’s
If your son or daughter is interested in being trained as an altar server, please come to one of the following training sessions. Servers must be in grade 3 or older, have already received their first Holy Communion, and attend Mass regularly. You can choose the day and time that is most convenient and current servers are welcome to attend for refresher training if desired.
• September 8 All Saints-St. Joseph Campus ~ 12noon
• September 15 St. Teresa ~ 12 noon
• September 18 St. Mary’s ~ 6:30 pm
Servers from any parish can attend any training; all the sessions are identical.



Sunday, September 21 at St. John Campus Hall
This presentation combines faith and science to provide practical tips on overcoming anxiety, depression and learning disabilities. It is geared for all individuals over 13 who desire to become the best version of themselves.
Time: Registration and Meal 6-6:45pm | Presentation 6:45-8:00pm | Q&A/Wrap Up 8-8:30pm
Cost: $30/person which includes a book written by Sara Graf, meal and T-shirt.
Register by Sept 9: HERE
Full Page Flyer: Download HERE



Sunday, September 28, 6:00-8:00pm at St. John Campus Hall
Can Your Marriage Save the World?
Guest Speakers: Peter & Theresa Martin
This event is free and open to engaged and married couples of all ages. The evening will begin with dinner at 6:00pm and transition to our guest speakers leading the evening. They are both excited to share their faith and the truth about God’s gift of marriage



Tuesday, October 15 at St. Joseph PLC
Ask the women in your life to join you for an evening celebrating Mary and each other.
Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner served at 6:30pm ~ This year’s speaker will be Fr. John Hollowell.
You can:
• Sponsor a table for 8 by bringing table linens, dishes, glass/silverware & décor. Bring wine for the table to share.
– OR –
• Call us and come make new friends at a sponsored table with opening(s).
RSVP by Oct 1st to Joan Brewer 812-576-4663 or
A free will donation will be appreciated.



Sat-Sun-Mon, October 26-28 at Planned Parenthood, Cincinnati
All Saints Parish along with St. Lawrence, St. Teresa’s and St. Mary’s have adopted three days during the 40-day campaign for a prayerful vigil at Planned Parenthood.
Sign up HERE for one hour between 7am to 7pm on any of these three days.
Questions? Call/text John at 513-300-5246



November 11-14, Hanceville AL
In the midst of the Eucharistic Revival, we are making a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Alabama. Please join us!
Registrations are now being accepted.
Complete Details: HERE



Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, 9:00am ~ St. Leon IN
We are already gearing up for the 11th running of the largest 5k in Dearborn County and the 9th largest 5k on Thanksgiving Day in the state of Indiana. All proceeds go to local food pantries; no better way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day than giving to the hungry!
Register: To participate in the race, click HERE.
Become a Sponsor: Deadline: Oct 11, 2024. We can’t do it without you: SIGN-UP HERE



We are in the midst of a 3-year National Eucharistic Revival and one of our pastors, Father Jonathan Meyer, has been selected as a National Eucharistic Preacher. These are exciting times! Below please find resources and updates to stay informed with everything that is happening. To learn more about the Revival, a good starting point might be the OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


Father Meyer’s presentation on the 14 Stations of the Eucharist, at a Men’s Conference in Palm Beach, FL
The 14 Stations of the Eucharist, explained by Father Meyer during the 2023 Summer Festivals